Автор: Dickens Ch.
Издательство: Wordsworth
ISBN: 1-85326-257-9
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809.00 руб.


The earth was made for Dombey and Son to trade in, and the sun and moon were made to give them light. The hopes of Mr Dombey for the future of his shipping firm are centred on his delicate son Paul. Florence, his devoted daughter, is unloved and neglected. When the firm faces ruin, and Dombeys second marriage ends in disaster, only Florence has the strength and humanity to save her father from desolate solitude. This edition contains Dickenss prefaces, his working plans, and all the original illustrations by Phiz. The text is that of the definitive Clarendon edition. It has been supplemented by a wide-ranging introduction, highlighting Dickenss engagement with his times, and the touching exploration of family relationships which give the novel added depth and relevance. This book is intended for students of 19th century novel, Dickens, fiction, realism, Victorian and Victorian Studies; readers of classic Victorian fiction.

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